How to choose your coach.


⁠Listen up, because this is really important - There is no such thing as a coaching certification. There is no governing body that certifies/oversees coaching. Just because a person or an entity has "certification" or "international" in their program title or on their “resume” does not guarantee they do a good job &/or are ethical.

I am the product of many amazing mentors & coaches. I credit investing in them with pretty much everything I have & how quickly I've achieved my version of success - BUT that's not to say there's not at least a few sour apples in the bunch.⁠ And also, no single coach is the right choice for everyone.

I'm tired of talking to friends & clients about the traumatic experiences they've had with coaches that leaves them thinking that this is just "how it is." Because it's not.⁠

Here's how I choose my coaches:⁠

1. They're more successful than me / have something I want to have⁠

2. I listen to my body. I look for that little bit of butterflies in my stomach (like a first date) where I'm excited-nervous but I feel safe & find myself saying YES⁠

3. They are actively working with a coach. I want someone as invested in bettering themselves & their biz as I am AND it's important they're being held accountable so that ego doesn’t go crazy, too.⁠

TRUST YOUR GUT - it something doesn't feel right, it's not. There is a difference between being kinda scared & kind of excited as you step out of an old story & step into what you KNOW deep down that you are meant to do & feeling like you're not enough & that you need to prove something to someone YOU ARE PAYING MONEY TO.⁠

Ready to confidently raise your prices, make a boundary with that one client you’ve been avoiding & put a stop to that cycle of burnout?

Check out my free guide to having Hard Conversations with clients!


Boundaries = Abundance.


Do you really want what you say you want?