Do you really want what you say you want?


Here’s the thing: If you really want what you say you want & if you really want to go where you say you want to go - you’re going to have to let people misunderstand you.

You’re gonna have to let them misinterpret you, get angry, call you names & you’re going to have to stop going back to explain yourself.

If you really want this, you don’t get to get into internet arguments & double back to make sure every single person understands that you’re coming from a good place.

You’re going to need all of your own energy to dive deep down inside of yourself, to the parts it feels dark & sticky & painful to go to in order to pull out that thing you can see so vividly in the quiet moments when everything stops. A part of you that feels so true you couldn’t ignore it if you tried. If you’re really going to pull it out & bring it here, you need all of you. No exceptions. And it costs too much energy to make sure anyone else besides yourself understands.

They won’t get it at first. You’re going to ruffle some feathers & some people who are used to getting more of you to themselves are going to be upset at first. But then, the ones who come back around on the other side you will have deeper & more fulfilling connections with. Plus, you get to have your whole self & all of your dreams, too.

No one else needs to get it but you.


Ready to confidently raise your prices, make a boundary with that one client you’ve been avoiding & put a stop to that cycle of burnout?

Check out my free guide to having Hard Conversations with clients!


How to choose your coach.


Still not convinced your inner Work has anything to do with your biz?