Still not convinced your inner Work has anything to do with your biz?


Still rolling your eyes every time you hear me talk about how your inner & emotional Work has to do with your biz?

Hear me out.

The same reason you're avoiding asking your friend to pay you back for brunch is the same reason you refuse to raise your prices with your clients.

The same reason you over give & under receive to your friends & family is the same reason you do that for your clients.

The same reason you keep that one energy vampire of a friend around (because "you've known them for a long time" and they did something nice for you 10 years ago) is the same reason you keep that energy vampire of a client around & refuse to make boundaries. You make the same excuses for both of them that you would NEVER let slide with someone new.

The same reason you tiptoe around that one friend so you don't piss them off or upset them is the same reason you tip toe & change who you are around your clients. (& leak precious energy)

The symptoms of ALL of these feel like:

- Feeling exhausted (even though you sleep enough), anxious & UGHHH
- Indecisiveness, having trouble focusing
- Seeking answers outside of yourself, lack of confidence & doubting your instincts
- Overcompensating for your insecurities by doubling down & working harder
- Putting more things on your to-do list so you can feel like enough
- Starting to think you're just not cut out for happiness, success & abundance

You can chase your tail until you're blue in the face trying a million different "the next big cutting edge secret" in marketing strategy & trainings - and it might work for a few months! - but then you're going to find yourself right back where you started.

Feeling lost, not enough & exhausted. And that there's something wrong with you.

Owning a successful biz is 80% inner work & 20% strategy. Until you learn how to meet the parts of yourself that are begging you for attention, this cycle will continue.

I know you'll sit there for a few more weeks reading these emails, afraid I'm right so then you go out & double down that new fancy thing you saw on a Facebook ad will fix it, and when you hit another brick wall of "I'm just not cut out for this," I'll be right here.

When you're ready, I'm ready to help get you there. Click here to schedule your free call.


Ready to confidently raise your prices, make a boundary with that one client you’ve been avoiding & put a stop to that cycle of burnout?

Check out my free guide to having Hard Conversations with clients!


Do you really want what you say you want?


What is an ideal client anyways??