Ready to charge more?

Drop your email, check your inbox & get ready to change those prices painlessly & CONFIDENTLY in my free workshop.

Enter your name and email below to grab the free workshop!

What you’ll be getting in this free Masterclass 👇

💸 A breakdown of how to uncover exactly what your perfect price looks like

💸 Insight into the REAL reason you’re undercharging and overserving (and it’s not because you’re “new at this”)

💸 Real-talk on why charging more is actually better for your clients (and you)

💸 Guidance on the boundaries you need to implement with clients AND

💸 How to communicate these boundaries confidently and (sorta) painlessly to your clients

Don’t just take my word for it…

💸 Check out the results of these business owner’s who finally started charging their worth, and changing their life (and business) for good:

Hi, I’m Alex.


I started this crazy journey in California State Politics. From the outside, I had it all - the salary, the benefits, and a job title that raised eyebrows. Along with that came exhaustion, anxiety & just not feeling like…me. I dreamed of quitting to be my own boss but always thought I wasn’t “the kind” of person who could own my own business - or if I was, not one who could actually be good at it.

Spoiler alert: I quit! I’m now a multiple business owner & business coach living in LA helping other womxn like me identify their true purpose, make more money doing what they love & finally put a stop to people pleasing burnout.

I truly believe the revolution happens each time a womxn says “enough is enough” & decides to take her power back. And I’m so excited to be on this journey with you!