It’s not you, it’s your business.
If you don’t want to go to work, there’s nothing wrong with YOU - there’s something wrong with your business.
I know what it feels like to be a few years in to quitting your 9-5 to follow your dreams. After the adrenaline wears off, you’re OKAY (but you’re just okay) and you’re starting to feel that heavy feeling again (you know, that ughhhh feeling when your alarm goes off? And feeling like you have to keep tricking yourself into getting “motivated” so you over compensate by pushing harder?).
You start panicking because it feels like maybe you weren’t cut out for this. But friends & family keep saying you’re “so brave” & act like you’ve got it made, so you don’t say anything out loud. And also, because you “should be grateful” for what you do have, right?
First of all, I see you.
Second of all, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you.
There is something wrong with your business.
And it's totally normal.
You see - as you grow, your business grows & changes too.
Your ideal client is not the same as it was last year (or last week!).
Your needs around pricing might have changed.
The services you are actually inspired to offer might have changed, too.
And you deserve to be INSPIRED AF when you wake up in the morning. This isn't just "how it is." And you can be grateful for what you do have AND STILL WANT MORE.
It’s totally normal to take a step back so you can see where in your business you can breathe some more life into & a little more YOU. Because we think you’re really awesome & want to see you more & all your future clients do, too ⚡️
When you're ready, I'm ready to help get you there. Click here to schedule your free call.
Ready to confidently raise your prices, make a boundary with that one client you’ve been avoiding & put a stop to that cycle of burnout?
Check out my free guide to having Hard Conversations with clients!