Are you putting your clients in the friendzone?
If you keep connecting with clients that feel like a FUCK YES but you keep getting answers like:
"I need to ask my partner..."
"Now just isn't the right time..."
Take a moment to think about your last potential new client that fell through & ask yourself:
👉 Did I show up empowered & unapologetically myself or was I trying to anticipate how they wanted me to act so that they would like me?
👉 Did I relate to what they were experiencing because I have been there before & stayed focused on sharing the solution that worked for me or did I drop so far into commiserating with them that it actually placed me on the same plane as them & I lost my leadership role?
👉 Did I spend enough time getting to the root of what was actually causing them the issues they were experiencing or did I skim the surface because I was afraid of making them uncomfortable?
👉 When it came time to make my offer, did I stay in my power, or did I rush them off the phone because I want them to like me & I don’t want them to think I’m trying to take advantage of them?
If you answered yes to any, you’re in the friend zone.
Don't get me wrong, I'm hella casual on sales calls. It’s a really important part of me showing up as myself - but I am ALWAYS clear on my role.
I have learned over the years that if you get too chatty, stay for too long in the *get to know ya phase* or commiserate too much with what your client is struggling with, you drop yourself INTO their struggle & you lose the purpose of why you jumped on the call in the first place.
Which brings me to one of my favorite Abraham quotes of all time: you cannot suffer enough yourself to make a suffering person well.
If we are dropping INTO our clients' pain, we no longer have the solution.
Your clients are not looking for a friend. They are not looking for someone to suffer with them, they are looking for a solution.
It’s our job to hold space that has room for discomfort & fears to come up instead of staying laser focused on making sure we say the right thing for them to “like us.”
We are not here to get people to like us, we are here to change the fucking world⚡️
When you're ready to get into the client zone, I'm ready to help get you there. Click here to schedule your free call.
Ready to confidently raise your prices, make a boundary with that one client you’ve been avoiding & put a stop to that cycle of burnout?
Check out my free guide to having Hard Conversations with clients!