Alex Tacket & Namaste As Fuck Present:

Kickass Retreats 101

For future retreat leaders + retreat leaders that want to drop the guessing game.

Is this you?


You have ALWAYS wanted to lead a retreat, but you have no idea where to start (and you’re afraid to lose money)

You’re almost ready to put down a deposit on a retreat spot, you just need clarity around pricing, scheduling & how to promote it.

You’re having trouble telling the difference between retreat venues - should you go international, resort style? Rent an airbnb? Do a camp out?? Haaaalp!

Underneath the fear, you know you can do this, you just need some clarity around which formula works right for you.

Let’s make some dreams come true.

Together we will:

  • Find your perfect pricing for participants & how to actually make a profit

  • Learn how to write your own copy to promote your retreat & schedule your outreach

  • Identify exactly who you want to have sign up for your retreat

  • Figure out how the heck to accept payments & track the $$ coming in

  • How to creating an empowered container that protects both you & your participants

  • Once you have your own perfect retreat formula, you can rinse & repeat over & over again! You get to take what you learn & use it over & over.

Hey, I’m Alex!

Usually people like to hear what I have accomplished - while I am the Founder of Namaste As Fuck, an international retreat leader, former political staffer, taught yoga to celebrities, CEO of The Business Witch, and some other stuff, I believe the true value I believe I have to offer comes from my “mistakes.”

I have built everything I have as a trial by fire - there was no course or prefabricated path for me to follow when I left my political staffing career with a couple thousand bucks & everything I owned in my car as I drove down to LA to launch NAF (my yoga apparel & retreats company) and to build out my yoga teaching & healing practice.

I led my first retreat in 2017, a 19 person glamping campout in Joshua Tree, CA where I was setting up tents at 5 in the morning and I think I made like $400 bucks and I’ve gone on to lead over a dozen retreats all over the world, from slumber parties to fancy eco-chic resort in the yoga & healing industry all the way to corporate events. Retreats is now a huge part of my income as a business owner and a super empowering way for teachers, healers & coaches to create intimate, life changing experiences AND build sustainable abundance for themselves.

I view mistakes as valuable lessons that I will never have to make again. I don’t see it as “money lost” (even though I might have felt like I was dying at the time), and the tens of thousands of dollars I have spent on these lessons get to help you never have to learn them through experience. You can learn them here, with me!

I’m not here to make you some fake ass promises, I’m here to give you the honest, down & dirty truth around what is realistic for you to start out with in retreat leading & how to create the perfect retreat for WHERE YOU’RE AT. You might be ready for a full international property buyout, or maybe what would help build out your bank account & your confidence is a weekend retreat, first. 

I’m here to help you create a game plan that is practical, realistic, PROFITABLE & allows you to create an empowered path from where you are now, to where you want to be. Without taking on a huge financial risk or putting your livelihood in jeopardy.

I’m super excited to share all the juiciness with you and show you that your perfect retreat doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s AND that your day dreams don’t have ot be a day dream anymore. If I can do it, you can do it!

This 6 week program includes:

6 Workshops + Q&A

  • Building a theme & who you want on your retreat

  • How to create captions & landing pages that naturally call in your ideal retreat participants (& push out any energy suckers)

  • Building your promotional timeline & marketing schedule

  • Your perfect pricing formula

  • How to choose the retreat venue that is perfect for where you’re at & the experience you want to create

  • Building sign up pages, accepting & tracking payments

  • Using your sign up process to create automated boundaries to protect yourself & your participants

Private Facebook Group for Community + support between calls
