In this 2 hr workshop we will:

  • Identify your old money story, shed it & integrate your new one

  • Calibrate your desire & your body to set a goal your nervous system can actually hold

  • Reverse engineer your income goals with a tangible plan to make it a reality

  • Identify the offers you’re no longer interested in providing & replace them with work you love to do, with clients you’re excited to work with

  • Build a lifestyle you love just as much as your business - build in room for vacation & your ideal work week WHILE meeting your income goals. I’ll break this down so it will feel really simple, accessible & exciting to implement what you’ve learned.

  • Q&A at the end! Hear questions from passionate healers, creatives & business owners just like you

This workshop is for:

  • Empaths, creatives, business owners, service providers who are passionate AF about sharing their gifts with the world who are ready to get brave about naming their next income goal & are seeking creative, custom fit guidance on how to implement actionable steps sustainably.

  • Business owners who have a hard time taking “traditional” business advice because it doesn’t feel applicable - you know you need good daddy structures that can ground your nervous system to give your creativity the freedom to flow.

  • Anyone seeking a reset around money & desire to feel excited & empowered about building a life you want to live.


My name is Alex and I’m here to show you that your version of success doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s.

I’m also here to show you that the things that had you labeled as “weird” or different are exactly the magic sauce that is missing from the life & business you are building.

I am a multi faceted being - I am a somatic practitioner, a yoga teacher, a multiple business owner, an artist & I am always adding more to the list. Each faucet of what I do is an expression of a different part of myself, and I’m here to help you do the same.

Whether it’s in your body, in your business or finally doing that thing you’ve always wanted to do, I’m here to help you uncover the parts of yourself asking to come out, and to craft the perfect container for them to become full realized & integrated into your life.

I work with clients that range from high level CEOs that need support in building a life that is as thriving as their business, to clients who are ready to go bigger with their business in every single way - all while staying true to who they are. The Work is the same! Welcome to my world, I’m happy you’re here!


1:1 + Group Coaching containers to help you:

👑 Calibrate to higher levels of income

👑 Scale your business clean & simple in a way that feels like you

👑 Learn to outsource & build a team that is hella supportive of your growth

👑 Clean out the nooks & crannies in your personal life that are cockblocking you from leveling up in your biz

👑 Create a 360 lifestyle that matches your version of success (no more “my biz is going great but my personal life…sucks)