Ready to level up?

Team Scared & Ready

For biz owners who struggle with boundaries, sales, justifying their pricing & overall confidence.

👉 Are you stuck at $4.5k/mo in your biz & you can't make any more $$ without literally cloning yourself?

👉 Does the idea of making boundaries with your clients make you want to melt into the floor (if you even knew what kind of boundaries to implement in the first place)?

👉 Are you frantically investing in *shiny object* things like a graphic designer, web designer, randomly hitting the boost button on FB & changing your IG handle for the 2398479 time hoping that it will help you break that sales lull (but it doesn't)?

👉 Has it been more than 6 months since you raised your prices & you haven't because you're terrified your clients will leave you (even though you lowkey don't like them?)

👉 Does your biz feel heavy?

👉 Are you starting to dread the sound of your alarm going off in the morning just like you used to when you worked your 9-5?

Welcome to Team Scared & Ready ⚡️

S&R combines 1:1 calls, weekly group coaching calls, our private FB community & an online education Portal to help you:

- Identify the boundaries you need to make space for YOU in your biz (& how to confidently implement them)
- Uncover your high ticket offer & scale your business to $10k+/month
- Make sales fun! (yes, really!)
- Working with clients who you love WITHOUT running ads
- Rewrite your $$ story so you can get out of your own way & make more of it
- Truly embody the valuable results that you bring to your clients.
- Quit playing small & dimming yourself down to avoid triggering others
- Stop the cycle of undercharging & overgiving because you don't feel good enough
- Build a business that doesn't just make more money, it feels like you.

Side effects may include:
🔥 Having so much space & inspiration that you can finally start on that 2nd biz idea you've had on the backburner
🔥 Clearing out toxic relationships in your personal life
🔥 Uncovering something you didn't know about yourself that you wanted - new dreams, new family goals, new money goals.
🔥Acting like a baaaaad bitch who isn't afraid to be who she is.

This program IS for you if:

  1. You’re making at least $4.5k/month in your business & you’re ready to scale to 10k/month consistently working exclusively with dream clients.

  2. The discomfort of where you’re currently at is more than the discomfort of the unknown. You’re in that sweet spot of being scared, but ready to make a change.

  3. You’re ready to stop undercharging in the name of “helping” & you’re ready to claim your true worth so you have more money, time & energy to have a bigger, positive impact on the world.

  4. You’re ready to let go of romanticizing the starving/hustling business owner story & step into the freedom & success you deserve.

  5. You want to uncover the tools to find your own HELL YES for yourself & never look for the right answer outside of yourself ever again.

This program is NOT for you if:

  1. You want someone to do the Work for you.

  2. You are not ready to admit OUT LOUD that you have taken your business as far as you can alone, and you need help. If you’re hopping on this call to tell me how much you already know, then you don’t need me.

  3. You are not ready to admit that despite all of the hard & difficult things that have ever happened to you that are outside of your control, you are the MAIN person responsible for your current circumstances. And it is in taking ownership of that that you can facilitate true & meaningful change in your life.

  4. You do not understand the power of investing in your business. Your investment is to help you get to where you want to go faster & easier than you could alone.

Now that we got that out of the way -

Are you ready to LEVEL UP?

What real life grads are saying:


Alex is the intuitive guide you've longed to have.

She boldly grabbed my hand and lead the way to my own introspection. She's fucking funny, sweet, bad ass and just always keeps it 100%. She helped me face my own self imposing road blocks, and pulled me out of a scarcity mindset.

I felt so lost when I started connecting with her, and she reminded me of my own power. Today, because of that, I'm pursuing my true life's purpose & building a kickass biz. Thanks Alex! words can not express my gratitude for your time, energy and healing vibes.

-Liz A.


[she’s] better than my therapist

Alex has taught me the tools to live a more balanced, attuned, and in-control life with her approachable, grounded, easy to understand sessions.  Simply put, Alex is better than my therapist. Words like "holistic" and "energy" are overused these days but they really apply to the way Alex works with you in helping you figure out life.

She thoughtfully approaches the physical, emotional, and spiritual, and her insights are rooted in the practical. Rarely at a loss, Alex is skilled at adapting to your needs and your style, providing concrete situations & examples to build your practice on.

Whether you feel stuck in your career, feel like you're in a rut, or need some positive energy to spark some joy, I am confident that Alex can help. - B.K.

Within the first 2 weeks of us working together I had 2 dream contracts

with 3-4x the amount of money I’ve ever been offered. That confidence ultimately made me realize that holy shit I can really do all of this. And everybody needs this. Now I know why big business executives pay $50-100,000 for a coach.

- J.V. Branding Consultant, Coach, Retreat Leader