A quick money reframe & free resources just for you.


MONEY REFRAME: Instead of undercharging & over giving in the name of accessibility (aka a guaranteed road to burnout where you can help no one), charge your true worth to your ideal clients so you can have ABUNDANCE so you have plenty to give back in other ways! Like pro bono work, donating money, volunteering your time or making free resources! 💵 ⁠⁠

Here is a list of 100% free, 100% powerful AF resources you can use TODAY to start growing your biz:⁠⁠

Free guide to having hard conversations with clients (aka raise your prices, make a boundary)


A free workshop on how to find your perfect price


A free workshop on finding out who the hell your ideal client is


Free Business For Yoga Teachers Workshop


AbundanCEO, The Podcast - learn exactly what its like to build your biz while you’re still working your crazy 9-5 & how to know when to quit - out now on iTunes & Spotify⁠⁠


My life’s work is to empower people who really really give a fuck to make more $$ & have more freedom so we can make the world a better place ⚡️


When you're ready, I'm ready to help get you level up.

Click here to schedule your free call.


My approach to business building that traditional business/marketing bros would disagree with:


5 Things You *Think* Are Holding You Back That Actually Aren’t.