Hey, I’m Alex!
I turn timid side hustlers into kicka$$ business owners.
Are you ready?
For Social Media Managers, Coaches, Photographers, DJs, Online Shop Owners, Yoga Teachers, Healers & more ready to be more than “just okay” in their business.
Do any of these sound familiar?
I’ve hit a plateau in my income & I don’t know how to make any more money without putting more hours in - and I don’t have any more hours to give.
I mostly love my business, but there are a few big missing pieces. It just doesn’t feel like me.
I want more money & to finally be able to relax INTO in my biz but I’m afraid to say it out loud.
I’m ready to finally put a stop to the starving healer/artist/business owner story.
Take a deep breath & relax those shoulders babe - you’re in the right place!
👉 Are you stuck around $4.5k/mo in your biz & you can't make any more $$ without literally cloning yourself?
👉 Does the idea of making boundaries with your clients make you want to melt into the floor (if you even knew what kind of boundaries to implement in the first place)?
👉 Are you investing in *shiny object* things like a graphic designer, web designer, randomly hitting the boost button on FB & changing your IG handle for the 2398479 time hoping that it will help you finally feel like a “real business owner” & fill in the missing pieces in your business? And if it works at all it just works for a second but doesn’t stick?
👉 Has it been months since you raised your prices & you haven't because you're low key afraid your clients will leave you (even though you’re lowkey over working with them?)
👉 Does your biz feel heavy? Do you feel like something is missing?
👉 Are you starting to dread the sound of your alarm going off in the morning just like you used to when you worked your 9-5?
Welcome to Team Scared & Ready ⚡️
S&R combines 1:1 calls, weekly group coaching calls, our private FB community & an online education Portal to help you:
- Identify the boundaries necessary to make space for YOU in your biz (& how to confidently implement them)
- Give your offers a makeover & scale to 6 figures consistently
- Fine tune your sales skills & make sales fun! (yes, really!)
- Build your audience & connect with clients you love WITHOUT running ads
- Calibrate to a the next level of income you’re ready to step into
- Truly embody the kickass results that you bring to your clients.
- Break habits of playing small to avoid triggering others (not just in your biz)
- Stop the cycle of undercharging & overgiving because you don't feel good enough
- Build a business that doesn't just make more money, it feels like you.
Side effects may include:
🔥 Having so much space & inspiration that you can finally start on that 2nd biz idea you've had on the backburner
🔥 Clearing out toxic relationships in your personal life
🔥 Uncovering something you didn't know about yourself that you wanted - new dreams, new family goals, new money goals.
🔥 Acting like a baaaaad bitch who isn't afraid to be who she is.
This program IS for you if:
You’re making $4.5k/month in your business & you’re ready to scale to 8-10k/month consistently working with clients you love.
The discomfort of where you’re currently at is more than the discomfort of the unknown. You’re in that sweet spot of being scared, but ready to make a change.
You’re ready to stop undercharging in the name of “helping” or “the market” & you’re ready to claim your true worth so you have more money, time & energy to have a bigger, positive impact on the world.
You’re ready to let go of romanticizing the starving/hustling business owner story & step into the freedom & success you deserve.
You want to uncover the tools to find your own HELL YES for yourself & never look for the right answer outside of yourself ever again.
This program is NOT for you if:
You want someone to do the Work for you.
You are not ready to admit OUT LOUD that you have taken your business as far as you can alone, and you need help. If you’re hopping on this call to tell me how much you already know, then you don’t need me.
You are not ready to admit that despite all of the hard & difficult things that have ever happened to you that are outside of your control, you are the MAIN person responsible for your current circumstances. And it is in taking ownership of that that you can facilitate true & meaningful change in your life.
You do not understand the power of investing in your business. Your investment is to help you get to where you want to go faster & easier than you could alone.
Now that we got that out of the way -
Are you ready to LEVEL UP?
Are you already hitting $8k+/months & ready to scale to multiple 6 figures/year?
The reason your hustle isn’t working, is because there’s no room in your business for the most important person - YOU.
We’ve been taught to be grateful for what we do have (even if it’s a soul sucking client), to “pay our dues,” & to smash past our feelings in the name of serving other people.
Your problem is that you keep shaping your offers, your pricing & your business around what you think people need / can afford (or what they’re asking for) instead of shaing it around YOU.
And you deserve a business that exclusively includes services you’re passionate about providing, at prices that allow you to show up as your whole self with clients who LOVE you.
The freedom AND success you secretly seek is on the other side of learning to to make your business about YOU instead of everyone else.
And the Work it takes to uncover that goes WAY back - it goes back to how we were taught to “be a good girl,” to be quiet, to be grateful for what you do have, to not rock the boat.
This isn’t about “pushing past your fears,” to find that sweet spot of freedom & $$ in your biz actually requires bringing your fears WITH you & turning your “weaknesses” and “flaws” into your biggest selling points.
This isn’t just about being your own boss, this is about building an entire LIFE that feels good.
For good.
Free stuff alert! Sign up below to snag your copy of my free guide to Having Hard Convos with Clients
(complete with copy & paste ready emails to raise your prices, make a boundary & more.)
Maybe you can relate:
You’ve invested in the e-courses, listened to the podcasts & you’re screaming mantras in the mirror…
And it’s taken you SOMEWHERE - but you’re tired…
Of running a biz that falls apart the second you take a break.
Of working with clients who don’t pay you enough OR appreciate you (and you’re starting to get resentful).
Of being afraid to raise your prices because you feel like your clients will leave and that you can’t get any new ones (and even if you could, they’d be just like the old clients).
Of acting small & letting your clients walk all over you.
You’re falling out of love.
You’re starting to daydream of quitting & idolizing getting a job.
That voice in your head whispering “maybe you’re just not cut out for this” is WRONG
You are NOT greedy or selfish for wanting more.
It is simply NOT TRUE that you have to choose between money or freedom
It is NOT TRUE that you aren’t succeeding because you’re not smart/strong/working hard/undeserving/whatever enough
It is NOT TRUE that business ownership = feast or famine rollercoaster
You simply need to learn how to bring your WHOLE SELF with you (including your fears!) and learn how to turn your “flaws” into the EXACT reason why your new clients will LOVE working with you.
I help womxn go from exhausted hustlers
To aligned, money-making business owners
Without feeling drained, taking on clients that don’t appreciate you & who pay less than you deserve
By getting laser focused on your purpose (& owning it), learning how to bring your fears WITH you (instead of pushing past them), owning your worth (hint - it’s WAY MORE than you think) & running your ENTIRE LIFE like the boss bitch you are.
You deserve:
Scaling from 4.5k to 10k/month CONSISTENTLY
Clients who are EXCITED to pay you, who value your services & only want YOU
A business that you don’t have to put on a “game face” for - no more putting yourself aside & going back to process feelings later
To feel authentic (& not icky sales-y) in selling your services & getting clients
A streamlined on-boarding process that draws new clients to you with ease (& weeds out anyone who isn’t your perfect fit)
The flexibility to travel & play guilt or fear that everything will fall apart
A life you are in LOVE with and you’re excited to wake up in the morning
Healthy boundaries with clients & personal relationships
The confidence to KNOW your true purpose
To know it deep in your bones that YOU are worthy of more MONEY, FREEDOM & HAPPINESS
The Revolution Starts Here! With you.
You might be asking:
How do I know about your exhaustion & that little voice in your head that keeps telling you “you’re just not cut out for this”?
Because I am you. I have hit burnout so many times in so many different ways and made every mistake in the book. And I’ve packaged it up into one beautiful you- shaped 10 week program so that YOU DON’T HAVE TO.
It was only a few years ago that I was still suited up at the CA State Capitol, knee deep in a political staffing career I never wanted, daydreaming of becoming a yoga teacher.
I never thought I was the “kind” of person that could start my own business - and I did it anyways.
I launched my first company in 2016 and I grew the ladyballs to quit the Capitol, move to LA & build my own healing practice from the ground up.
I did it! All by myself! Without a coach! And I burnt the fuuuuck out. More than once. More than twice!
I’ve burnt out in yoga teaching, in retreat leading, in running my business, in freelance social media managing in healing (the irony, right??) - I’ve burnt out in pretty much every way someone could ever burn out.
Acting small and letting myself continue to refuse to believe that I was worth MORE than what I was getting cost me thousands of dollars and tons of headaches.
I’ve spent countless hours and tons of $ trying to find the mindset or strategy I was missing.
I’ve pushed myself to the brink of physical exhaustion. Saying yes to toxic clients and unhealthy situations just to keep my business afloat finding myself stuck in a side hustle shaped prison that I created.
I found myself in EXACTLY the same place I thought I had quit in Sacramento - exhausted, overworked & undercharging.
I didn’t have anyone there to tell me that I WASN’T losing my mind or a failure and that actually the only thing I was leaving out in my tireless search for the perfect mindset or strategy or new idea or big break - was ME.
None of this is about NOT being afraid or faking it until you make it - it’s about learning how to bring your WHOLE SELF with you and turning your so called “weaknesses” and insecurities into your selling points. (Yes seriously, your perfect fit will LOVE YOU for the things you’ve been wasting a bunch of energy trying to hide!)
Once I got honest with myself I realized that deep down the thing holding me back and recreating these systems of suffering and overworking was that I didn’t feel good enough. I didn’t feel like I deserved it. And even when I was making money I would spend it all because I didn’t think I deserved it. So I gave it away.
In learning how to bring my WHOLE SELF - my trauma, my fears, my imperfections, I was able to create a business and a LIFE that feels like all of me and has room for all of me! So I don’t have to waste valuable energy trying to cover myself. And the result is a life I never imagined possible. More freedom, dream clients, flexible schedule & abundance.
I work with womxn who are ready to finally put a stop the cycle of hustle & burnout and who are ready for more money, freedom & FEELING LIKE YOURSELF.

I am a burrito loving, trauma informed energy nerd
I am here to hold radical space for you to connect with the parts of yourself way deep down inside that are holding you back from the life you deserve. I will lovingly call you on your shit and show you the beauty & power in who you already are so you can take it to the next level. And I can say this because I am doing the work right along with you, every day.
Want to know what it’s REALLY like to be my client?
Tune in to this awesome episode of the HoneyDewLA Podcast, where we do a deep dive with one of my 10 week program grads DJ Ry Toast and hear what it was like for her to work with me and how it transformed her life & career for the better.