You’re supposed to be following your dream, so why does your life kinda…suck??
Welcome to
Frisky Business
A 3 month program designed to help you uncover your own perfect, fun & frisky version of owning your own business.
Because your business doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s.
Is this you?
Even though you’re your own boss, you’re working long hours, on weekends & even when you can squeak in a vacation you can’t turn your brain off.
You’ve been craving a new relationship with money, but you don’t know where to start (& you’re super turned off by the usual woo-woo manifesting coach crowd?)
You feel like you’re pulled in a million different directions - not just with clients, but with friends & family, too.
You don’t identify as a freelancer, but you’re not fully ready to own that “Business Owner” title
You’re sick & tired of being sick & tired & punishing yourself with your own to do list - you’re ready to have FUN being a business owner
You’re dance between feeling bored & annoyed with your clients, your offers & you want to shake things up
Your screen time is off the charts - you’re constantly hitting refresh on your email app & have zero boundaries around your relationship with social media (because you think that’s helping with your visibility)
You keep seeing these “fearless” business babes on the ‘gram & you want help letting your freak flag out in your business but you don’t know how
Frisky Money
The money mindset makeover you’ve been craving. We’re going to take out the trash (aka the old money story you picked up somewhere along the way) & learn to empower yourself around money.
Gift yourself saving money & gift yourself spending money - and calibrate to higher levels of income while you do it.
Frisky Schedule
Instead of letting your clients run the show & make your schedule, we’re going to break down how to identify exactly what it is you want & need in your schedule & how to build it around YOU (instead of trying to squeeze yourself in around your business)
Frisky Boundaries
Boundaries don’t have to be “ick” - they can be frisky!
Learn to create boundaries with your clients, the people in your personal life & yourself so you can have more space to be who you really are.
Frisky YOU
When every thing else falls away, we all know that you’re wild, playful & free. We are here to create space to connect with the part of you that has been asking to come out & create space where she feels like she finally can.