We Need to Talk. (This Might Sting a Little)
You keep saying that you won’t raise your prices with old clients because you’re worried they can’t afford your new prices & they'll leave.
"They've been with me forever," you say.
“They were with me ever since I started my business" (like you owe them something forever because they paid you money in exchange for a service.)
You say you won't make a boundary when an old client can contact you (even though they're texting you at 9pm at night & it's driving you crazy & it's all you bitch about to your partner) - you say you won't because you don't want to "make them feel bad" & because you've been working with them for a long time (even though you'd never let that slide with a new client).
You stay loyal to them because they've been around forever & you say you’re worried they won't be okay with out you.
But the real reason you’re not raising your prices or making MUCH NEEDED boundaries or even leaving a stale client?
Deep down you’re afraid they will be perfectly fine without you.
You're afraid that their life actually *won't* fall apart without you.
You're worried that they can actually find a replacement - or maybe even someone who is a better fit for where they're at.
What if you have all of these "reasons" for staying and they’re not actually true?
I want to normalize healthy endings to client relationships once they’ve run their course.
I want to give you permission to leave the second you're not 110% excited about working together. Permission to both of you, actually.
It is 100% natural & normal for you & your client to reach a point where you've maxed out what you came here to learn from each other.
And it's OKAY for you to go your separate ways.
For me, if I'm doing my job right, my clients don't need me forever - It's actually a compliment when they're ready to fly out of the nest.
Instead of forcing ourselves to stay because "we should be grateful" & in the name of "helping" our clients - if we're over it, we owe it to ourselves & our clients to leave so we can BOTH fill in the gaps with someone who is a 110% fit.⚡️
Still looking for your own coach who is a 110% fit? Let’s talk. Click here to schedule your free call.
Ready to confidently raise your prices, make a boundary with that one client you’ve been avoiding & put a stop to that cycle of burnout?
Check out my free guide to having Hard Conversations with clients!