You’re supposed to be following your dreams, so why does your life kinda…suck??

Welcome to

Frisky Business

A 3 month program designed to help you uncover the fun & frisky version of owning your own business.

Because your business doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s.

Is this you?


Even though you’re your own boss, you’re working long hours, on weekends & even when you can squeak in a vacation you can’t turn your brain off.


You know you need boundaries, but that word kinda makes you want to throw up. You need help understanding how to make boundaries your own - and that creating them doesn’t have to be that big of a deal.


You feel like you’re pulled in a million different directions - not just with clients, but with friends & family, too. Sometimes you feel like you don’t know who you are, or why you started in the first place.


You constantly get caught in the “shoulding” loop & over extending yourself because of what you think a business owner is “supposed” to do or act like.


You’re sick & tired of being sick & tired & punishing yourself with your own to do list - you’re ready to have FUN being a business owner

Your screen time is off the charts - you’re constantly hitting refresh on your email app & have zero boundaries around your relationship with social media (because you feel insecure about yoru biz so you overcompensate with “helping your visibility”)


You dance between 3 places in your business - exhausted, bored & annoyed. You need help finding the sweet spot between inspired, trusting & playfulness.


Our time together includes:

  • Access to our private FB community

  • Coaching Support between calls in our FB group

  • 8 Group Coaching Calls - Workshop + Q&A:

1. Boundaries = Abundance

How to create a relationship with boundaries that empowers you & creates room for you to receive & hold more money. We will start with super practical, tangible exercises for you to create more space for #1 (YOU) immediately.

2. Frisky boundaries with clients

Identify the places you need more space with clients & create a road map of exactly how to execute with support!

3. Automating Client Boundaries

Yes, really! Create simple systems in your business that automatically implement your boundaries so that you don’t have to keep having the same icky conversation over & over again.

4. Frisky boundaries with friends & family

Our business is a mirror for our personal life, the same places we struggle to implement boundaries with clients are the same places we struggle to implement with friends & family. Identify the space you need for yourself with friends & family & compassionately make a plan for creating that space with loving support from your new BFFS.

5. Frisky boundaries with yourself

Theeeee missing piece in boundary work!! Learn how to create a relationship with yourself to find the sweet spot between pushing yourself wayyyy too hard & completely giving up. Together we will create a loving relationship where you get to hold yourself accountable to creating the life you want.

6. Frisky schedule

How to create the life you love from the inside, out. Gain control over your schedule & create simple systems that will actually - sorta - force you to take space for yourself & play!

7 & 8. 2 Hot seat Group Coaching calls / Q&A

An any topic coaching call to unpack & support whatever you’re experiencing & for us to fill in the gaps.

**Yes! Call recordings will be posted in the group, but of course this program is more effective the more you show up. Please try to make as many as you can!

Speaking of boundaries, here is the structure for us to succeed in this container, but the flexibility to meet you where you’re at.

Here’s how this process works:

We will cover every topic listed, but the order may change based on you & where you are at.

I used a 360 degree approach to coaching - equal parts intuition led energy/mindset, practical application & strategy based off of what I have in front of me. I’m not going to chug my way through a pre-written script so we can both check out, nor am I going to force us into a rigid structure. If we need to go slow, we will go slow, and if you’re ready to be pushed, I’ll challenge you.

In the name of creating space for you & what you need, as you step into this container, give yourself permission to show up with an open mind (instead of already letting that “shoulding” inner bully take charge). There is no way to fuck this up.

Here is how I coach:

I am here to lovingly create space for you to be ALL THE WAY HERE. Yep, all the ugly & not good enough feelings are invited, too. I’m not afraid of you. And I also have big ole pile of dark, ugly, sticky parts, that would make a normie shake in their boots.

I’m here to witness & validate who the fuck you are AND I am here to hold you accountable to what you came here to do. Which is to change old patterns & stories that aren’t serving you any more so that you can create the life you want to live. And that means sometimes I need to push & poke at the places the old parts are holding their grip, which is gonna piss you off sometimes. It’s part of my job to make space, validate your experience, and also at times, to trigger you. Our triggers are like flag that points to the places that are ready to be healed. I honor & celebrate your “yeses” and your “nos” at all times, and if I ever go into a place you don’t want me to, simply shoe me out. And also congratulations, because that’s a fucking boundary!

It’s not my job to teach you how to be like me, I am here to show you how to create your own best answers for yourself. And for you to take the tools you learn in our time together & absolutely run with it! And apply it to all the other places in your life.

A note on pronouns:

This program is open to female identifying, non-binary & gender fluid humans. You will notice that in some of my copy lately, I have been using she/her in reference to the person I’m speaking to. I have been unpacking my own relationship with gender & have been working to accept, celebrate & incorporate identifying as a female in a way that I never have before. So in my copy & also in guided meditations, you’ll notice I refer to she or her when I had previously used gender neutral terms - that is for me as I own that part of me, let her be seen & also as I learn to let more parts of myself take up space in the spaces that I hold. If you are non-binary/gender fluid, you are celebrated & welcome! And if there is another pronoun you’d prefer to insert in that space, please do so when you come across it. If that’s a deal breaker for you, no problem <3

The result? Frisky YOU.

We all know that your natural state is not this deflated, worried mess.

When the noise & pressure of the outside world falls away, you are wild, playful & free.

She hasn’t left you. She just needs room to breathe. Let’s make some space to let her free.

Early Bird $997 by 4/20

(discounted from $1500)

 My name is Alex & I’m here to show you that your version of success doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s.

That you can be in the midst of your own messy AF healing journey, processing the shitty things that have happened to you AND have a successful business.

You don’t have to wait to be *already healed* (whatever that means) in order to start having what you want.

You don’t have to have ads, a fancy website, complicated funnels or buying a house in the suburbs & a Tesla.

It doesn’t mean selling out, not being yourself or having to be a peppy #girlboss.

It can mean making cash that feels good to your nervous system so your body feels safe for the 1st time since you can remember.


It can mean healing the parts of yourself you left behind working with clients who were in the same place as you a few years ago - and you get to heal yourself as you help them navigate with more effortlessness & ease than you did.

It can mean hitting multi six figures in sales & still driving a Honda Accord with 300,000 miles on it with a key that is scotched taped together just bc you’d rather spend your $$ on investing in yourself, traveling the world & tbh you don’t really care about cars.

It can mean traveling out of the country for 3.5 months out of the year last year.

It can mean having a trainer, meal delivery & a personal assistant.

It can mean saving up to buy your own retreat property in the desert in cash instead of wrestling with the bureaucracy of getting a loan & lay the foundation for your off grid cowgirl dreams.

Just because you can.

I’m here to lead by example - that you don’t have to put down your dreams or sell out in order to build your business. And that making $$ doesn’t mean you turn into an asshole - you can get weird, fun & creative with the business you build.

And you don’t have to *already be* anything in order to do it.

How “much of a business owner” do I have to be to join?

If you treat your business like a business or if you’re ready treat your business like a business, you’re perfect! There is no minimum income level or time requirement for joining the program, just an attitude of being ready to make a change.

I’m scared & excited, is this normal?

Welcome to the club! That kinda anxious kinda excited feeling is a great sign that you are about to break through some old stories.

How will I know I get my money’s worth?

You get out of this exactly what you put into it. This process takes two to tango, if you are invested in this process energetically & financially, you will begin to create freedom, clarity & confidence in your life & business and learn tools that you can implement over & over even once our time together is done. Can you even put a price tag on that?