In this workshop we will:
Identify your unique cycle of moving from uncovering a new desire, shedding the old & establishing a new normal in your business.
Learn how to build structures & systems that support your cycle so you can feel safe enough to drop more fully into your body.
Feel validated, excited & empowered about your own unique creative process.
Learn how to hack somatics in your business!
Move through a somatic practice to create space for your desire.
This workshop is for:
Empaths, creatives, business owners, service providers with BIG DREAMS and BIG FEELINGS who crave a way to make big leaps safely.
Anyone seeking a bridge between [good daddy] structures that ground your nervous system & the freedom to let your creativity & emotions flow.
Do you need a snack, do you need a nap, do you need to burn your whole business down, or do you just need to come to my workshop?
If you swing wildly from feeling excited & invigorated by your business to weeks on the couch frozen & depressed with imposter syndrome, then Mastering Cycles of Desire, Death & Rebirth is perfect for you.
I’d love it if you joined me in this wokrshop. Not just because I want you to come, but also because I’m so excited to share how much freedom & joy understanding my own cycle has given me - it has shifted how I view feelings of *certain death* in my business into a feeling of groundedness, safety & confidence.
Mastering my cycle gives me the power to make big scary shifts safely and has stopped me from being derailed by making panicked decisions or quitting all together.
This workshop is for deeply empathic & creative business owners that struggle with navigating the unknown & big emotions.
Together, we will help you identify your own unique cycle of desire -> death -> rebirth and identify the simple structures that will not only help you ground the “BURN THIS MOTHER FUCKER DOWN” moments, build confidence & create more sustainability in your business - it’s also like a somatic hack!
Instead of spending a decade and hundreds of thousands of dollars studying somatics like I have, I will share tools to help you easily translate messages from your physical & emotional body to see where you’re at in your cycle.
My favorite part is, once you understand your business cycle, you can apply it to other areas of your life to see how you are actually moving through many cycles at once - desires coming forward around romance, intimacy with friends, your home, and more!
I can’t wait to share this work with you! <3
Hey, I’m Alex. In my journey of leaving my job with “the man,” in CA state politics to land where I am today - a barefoot, globe trotting retreat leader, business owner & somatic alchemist, there are many cycles of desire, death & rebirth that have taken to get me here.
It took me years of moving through wild expansions in my business, followed by *certain death*, only to come back around the other side again & again to realize that this wasn’t chaos at all - it’s a pattern.
Desire -> death -> rebirth.
I have spent the past 10 years defining & redefining this cycle for myself & clients, & it’s finally ready to be shared on a larger scale in this workshop.
Based off my own cycle, I can tell you that I know it’s good because every time I sit down to write about it, I get to ground myself through brain fog & disassociation (a symptom of a new embodiment battling it out with an old version of myself)
A few highlights from my cycle:
- Uncovering a new desire so big I can’t believe I would dare to even *think it* accompanied by imposter syndrome, guilt & shame.
- Finally getting something I’ve worked so hard to get (after walking myself through fear & defense mechanisms), celebrating for a minute, only to feel grief & contraction afterwards. I’ll judge myself for not being happy, and then remember that it’s normal to feel grief with the, “changing of the guard,” as the old version of me weeps & screams because she thinks I’ll forget about her as my next embodiment gets into the drivers seat. There is a death with receiving our desires, too.
The tangible steps that accompany desire -> shedding the old way -> landing in a new normal is the skeletal structure that allows me to stabilize feelings of fear & the unknown so I can trust my creative process.
Having a name, a home and a container for the big emotions that come with this process gives me the freedom to drop deeper into the feelings my body & my creativity NEEDS to. That’s the muscles expanding & contracting and the blood pumping through my veins.
This cycle is the structure that creates safety and gives permission for our creativity & abundance to flow.
Mastering Cycles of Desire, Death & Rebirth
For empaths, creatives & biz owners seeking a bridge between structures that ground your nervous system & the freedom to flow.
I’m super excited to share this work with you <3
Reasons you’re not coming to my Mastering Cycles of Desire, Death & Rebirth workshop:
Have some coffee with me & chat about a few reasons you haven’t signed up for my Mastering Cycles of Desire, Death & Rebirth workshop ☕️
1. You say you don’t want to spend $45…because your too busy spending hundreds of dollars shopping after trying deprive yourself from spending because you should “focus on your business first,” but then you took it too far & your insecurity took over and now you’re spiraling twice as hard because you still feel insecure about not being a *good enough* business owner so now you’re trying to deprive yourself again, telling yourself you’ll “invest in yourself once you do x in your business.”
This workshop will show you exactly how to use your spirals (like this one!) to identify where you’re at in your cycle & build systems to support you in your process.
And if you’re sitting there like, damn! But I like shopping! There IS room for inspired shopping & balling out in your cycle, but when you do it from a place of permission & empowerment it has a vastly different effect on your nervous system and business.
2. You don’t have time to come to a workshop 10am PST on Friday…because you’re too busy being tossed around by panic, expansions & contractions in your business to be able to focus on what you really need in your business.
Identifying your cycle & the systems and structures your creative process needs will give you the space to be able to focus on & prioritize what you actually need to be spending your time on to build the life & business you desire to have.
3. You don’t think it would work for you, because things that seem to easily work for other people don’t normally work for you, and it leaves you feeling left out & not cut out for being a biz owner.
Hi, I’m Alex & I am someone that pretty much every single *normal* thing that works for everyone else doesn’t work for. In addition to being somewhere on the neruospicy spectrum, I’m just…different. I feel things really intensely & a stagnant formula, strategy & routine has never worked for me. I am here to show you my cycle, so you can identify your OWN unique cycle & build exactly what works for you.
“my life just keeps getting more and more joyful”
Once you realize you can write your own rules, magic happens⚡️
Sharing this clip (with permission) from last week’s call featuring @anitacoats, Founder of Dirty Sexy Healing, somatic pleasure coach & HBIC of an erotic empire. Join me as I cheese out over my favorite thing in the whole world - witnessing someone passionate about sharing their gifts with the world popping in to the realization of just how much they are capable of.
You don’t need to follow anyone else’s rules - YOU get to decide what it means to be a business owner.
More money doesn’t have to = working harder
Your flow state = naturally magnetizing people who are excited to work with you (and excited to pay you)
Building in support for your nervous system = the ability to take big leaps safely (without having to wait until you get *another* certification or “fully heal”)
By identifying your own unique creative process, you are able to build foundation your creativity needs to flow and that your nervous system can trust. And that’s where the magic happens.
I can’t wait to show you how much fun you can have building business your way in Mastering Cycles of Desire, Death & Rebirth!
My name is Alex and I’m here to show you that your version of success doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s.
I’m also here to show you that the things that had you labeled as “weird” or different are exactly the magic sauce that is missing from the life & business you are building.
I am a multi faceted being - I am a somatic practitioner, a yoga teacher, a multiple business owner, an artist & I am always adding more to the list. Each faucet of what I do is an expression of a different part of myself, and I’m here to help you do the same.
Whether it’s in your body, in your business or finally doing that thing you’ve always wanted to do, I’m here to help you uncover the parts of yourself asking to come out, and to craft the perfect container for them to become full realized & integrated into your life.
I work with clients that range from high level CEOs that need support in building a life that is as thriving as their business, to clients who are ready to go bigger with their business in every single way - all while staying true to who they are. The Work is the same! Welcome to my world, I’m so happy you’re here.